Thank you!

Thank you for purchasing private mentoring!

I look forward to working with you one-on-one and thereby getting to know you a little better! I appreciate your trust that I have something worthwhile to share with you, and never take it for granted.

Just get in touch with me at, so we can arrange a time to meet, whether on the phone, email, or Zoom.

Last but not least….

Please sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t done so yet. Through this newsletter, I keep you informed of upcoming live events, recordings, publications of books and free articles, podcast releases, courses, and other products of my imagination. I also send out the occasional poem, puppy picture, philosophical rumination, and update on my life. This is how I stay in touch with you. I don’t want you to miss out on your membership benefits….

Dr. Wilms with two goats in a park setting.