You may not reproduce, distribute, or publicly display material for which Dr. Sabine Wilms owns the copyright, without first obtaining written permission.
You may not create derivative works, i.e., works based on Dr. Wilms' preexisting works, without first obtaining written permission.
Send all requests for permission to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, or create derivative works to info@imperialtutor.com.
You must include Dr. Sabine Wilms' copyright notice, as appropriate, on any materials for which you receive permission to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, or create derivative works.
You understand that all information shared on this site is proprietary and financially significant to Sabine Wilms and Happy Goat Productions LLC, and therefore agree that any violation of this Agreement will cause Sabine Wilms irreparable harm entitling her to immediate injunctive relief. For each violation of this Agreement, you shall pay to Sabine Wilms the sum of $2,500 as and for liquidated damages.
Any disagreement regarding this Agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration and the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney’s fees in addition to any other relief allowed by law.
Unless otherwise governed by federal law, this Agreement and any violation thereof shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Venue shall be in Island Country, Washington.