This is the monthly live event, on the second Friday or Saturday of each month, as part of my Imperial Tutor mentorship. I either present a more formal lecture myself, followed by a lively discussion (what used to be called “History Train Lectures”), or I invite an important voice or two in Chinese medicine (practitioner of the East Asian healing arts, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, translator, author etc.) for a casual chat. While this is a members-only event, the general public can always join for a 9-day $9 trial to check it out.
For this month, we continue the conversation from last month with Deborah Woolf. My two questions for Deborah after October’s discussion are:
What is the mutual influence or “resonance” between the person and their environment (social, natural etc); constitution, personal life history, karma and family lineage, and macrocosmic cycles; Xing and Ming; and Earlier Heaven and Later Heaven?
What are your insights in your life’s dance and pursuit of your personal sweet spot, between academia and clinic, theory and practice, right and left side of the brain, Yin and Yang, and brain and heart and hands?