This is the monthly live event, on the second Friday or Saturday of each month, as part of my Imperial Tutor mentorship. I either present a more formal lecture myself, followed by a lively discussion (what used to be called “History Train Lectures”), or I invite an important voice or two in Chinese medicine (practitioner of the East Asian healing arts, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, translator, author etc.) for a casual chat. While this is a members-only event, the general public can always join for a 9-day $9 trial to check it out.
This month will will be treated to a follow-up with Dr. Arthur Harris, the medical historian specializing in comparing early Greek and Chinese medicine. Potential topics that came up in our conversation from early December where:
What do practitioners get out of reading ancient texts?
The special characteristics of gynecology as embodied knowledge and special expertise about the female body. What could a possible divergence between oral and written transmission look like?
Pneuma versus Qi and the materiality of the body
Comparing and contrasting the Four Humors, Four Seasons, and Five Phases/Dynamic Agents….