This is the monthly live event, on the second Friday or Saturday of each month, as part of my Imperial Tutor mentorship. I either present a more formal lecture myself, followed by a lively discussion (what used to be called “History Train Lectures”), or I invite an important voice or two in Chinese medicine (practitioner of the East Asian healing arts, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, translator, author etc.) for a casual chat. While this is a members-only event, the general public can always join for a 9-day $9 trial to check it out.
Pregnancy care in the classics is this month's theme, for three reasons:
We just started the new gynecology-focused season 2 of the podcast on "Over the Moon?"
Andrew Loosely and I are about to teach our yearly pregnancy course, "Nurturing the Fetus: The Ten Months of Pregnancy," based on three historical pregnancy texts that I translated. And...
I am presenting a paper on this topic at a panel on "Conceptualizing Conception" at the Association of Asian Studies conference in Seattle on March 16.
For this Tea Time Talk, we will also be joined by Kristed Phipps who took our course last year and has continued studying pregnancy support privately with Andrew.
Join us as we discuss how to translate this ancient knowledge and apply it practically and safely in the modern clinic and how constant study of these amazing texts continues to expand our ability to support pregnant patients as effectively as possible.